What We Do

What We Do

At JJacobs Media, we build and implement analytic & data-driven plans for business development, website creation & management, social media optimization, and successful digital branding.

 Our mission is simple: to accelerate your growth.

You need to engage with clients and customers at the grassroots to develop new leads and establish meaningful relationships. You need to present clients and customers with a website that they enjoy utilizing, and you need to give them opportunities to interact directly with you through social media. To tie it all together, strong digital branding and a long term strategy for growth are absolutely vital.

You understand the need for a strategic and long-term physical, web, and social media presence. But you also know it all takes time, and it’s overwhelming to manage it all.




Website Creation and Management

Social Media Optimization


Logo and
Graphic Design


Now Offering:
Video and Video Editing

We are now offering video and video editing. Our team does commerical level work along with video editing. Our crew will come to you and film on location. We also have a recording studio and green screen room. Check back to learn more.